Avenue Q

Costume Construction 

Oct 2018 – Nov 2018

The Avenue Q production was my very first professional opportunity in the sewing and construction capacity. I was very fortunate to be given the opportunity to construct a few of the continuing main characters' pieces. The piece that I constructed from patterning to finish is the red blouse the main character Liana Hu wears for most of the play. I also constructed the easter egg plaid shirt Princeton wears, which was my first time working with men's wear and plus size. For the most part the designer, Zoey Hu, constructed the wedding dress; however, I assisted in the application of the floral details and was fascinated with learning her procedures and application processes.


Costume Construction 

Oct 2018 – Jan 2019

Machinal was the second production I was able to work on as a theatre stitcher here at the University of Oregon. These photos show the costume pieces I was able to construct in conjunction with the rest of my co-workers. The dress with red accents, featured in the first series of photos, was one of my primary pieces. I worked in collaboration with the lead designer who created and printed the fabric. The main skills I was able to improve through this project was the creation and alteration of men's wear and outerwear. My favorite piece I constructed is the women's large dress overcoat (last). Through the construction of this piece, I learned how to work with thick almost upholstery type fabrics. I also learned how to create a proper collar using seams to contour the fabric into the ideal shape, which was my favorite technique to put into practice.


Costume Alterations

Oct 2019 – Nov 2019

For this production, I was given the opportunity to focus on alterations rather than construction. I was able to assist with fitting garments, adding linings, working with different finishes, and re-patterning. I worked on a few of the suit jackets as wells as skirts. I learned a lot about how to work with clients: in particular how to perform fittings on clients who might not be familiar with the process. This also involved learning about a lot of the preperation to make fittings accurate, quick, and efficient.

